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Why Do You Read the Bottom of the Meniscus

Asked past: Tiana Hosl
asked in category: General Terminal Updated: 11th March, 2020

Why do you read the meniscus at center level?

A meniscus occurs because of surface tension in the liquid and must be read at eye level. For a concave meniscus, the correct volume will be read at the bottom of the curve. For a convex meniscus, the opposite is true and the correct reading will be at the top of the bend.

The Meniscus. Normally, liquid will bend at the edges of the surface where the liquid touches the container because h2o molecules are more attracted to glass than to each other. We need to read the level at the lesser of the meniscus to measure out a volume of liquid in a graduated cylinder.

what is meniscus level? The level depends on the shape of the meniscus, or crescent D. Updated October 02, 2019. The meniscus is the curve seen at the acme of a liquid in response to its container. The meniscus can be either concave or convex, depending on the surface tension of the liquid and its adhesion to the wall of the container.

Similarly, what is a meniscus and how practice you read it?

Concave menisci are read from the bottom of the curve at eye level. A meniscus is a curve formed on the upper surface of a liquid inside a container. This curve is formed by the surface tension between the liquid and the container holding the liquid. A common liquid that forms a convex meniscus is liquid mercury.

Why is the meniscus important?

The meniscus plays 2 of import roles within the genu. A meniscus is a disquisitional daze absorber within the knee. The meniscus also provides stability within the knee.

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